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Perfect Core Full


Video Description
Perfect Core contains 15 of the best workouts available to build strong, lean and toned core and abs. In just minutes a day, you will look and feel better while building fantastic core strength. These are the very same routines that renowned fitness star Meghan White teaches in her own classes.

Pilates Based Sculpting

Pilates has been the core conditioning method of choice for models, dancers and athletes for decades. Improve flexibility, agility and strength while sculpting lean legs, flat abs and a strong back. Whether you have 10 minutes or 30 minutes, if you want a full core workout or to focus on just one core area, our Pilates based routines are the perfect fit.

Core Blast

Strong abs are key to core conditioning. We've included the most effective, proven routines to condition, strengthen and sculpt your abs. You will work every part of your abs with these easy to follow, results driven 5 minute blasts.

Ab Challenge & More

Additional workouts target your abs in a variety of ways using hand weights, the ring or a balance ball. Other workouts help target arms, back, legs & glutes.

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