音楽:Reich: Different Trains, Electric Counterpoint / K を ネットで探す

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キーワード:[Reich Different]←を指定して商品探す /[2008-07-05のランキング]を見る


↓↓↓↓Reich: Different Trains, Electric Counterpoint / K↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Reich: Different Trains, Electric Counterpoint / K


Amazon.com essential recording
Different Trains (1988) will probably go down in history as Reich's masterpiece. And deservedly so. Reich's phase-shifting minimalism is made dazzlingly entertaining in Different Trains, which is scored for string quartet and digitally sampled voices that repeat bits of speech concerning trains and Reich's experience with them growing up. The sinister part here is than some trains carried Jews to death camps. That's here as well. The Kronos Quartet has also never sounded better. Electric Counterpoint (1987) has one guitar--Pat Metheny in this case-- playing to 10 pre-recorded motifs, also on guitar. You absolutely need this. --Paul Cook

From Amazon.co.uk
Different Trains (1988) will probably go down in history as Reich's masterpiece. And deservedly so. Reich's phase-shifting minimalism is made dazzlingly entertaining in Different Trains, which is scored for string quartet and digitally sampled voices that repeat bits of speech concerning trains and Reich's experience with them growing up. The sinister part here is than some trains carried Jews to death camps. That's here as well. The Kronos Quartet has also never sounded better. Electric Counterpoint (1987) has one guitar--Pat Metheny in this case-- playing to 10 pre-recorded motifs, also on guitar. You absolutely need this. --Paul Cook

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↓↓↓↓Reich: Different Trains, Electric Counterpoint / K↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Reich: Different Trains, Electric Counterpoint / K
↑↑↑↑Reich: Different Trains, Electric Counterpoint / K↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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